
From User Voice to Feature Choice

Users suggest, vote, and comment. You analyze, prioritize, and implement. Simple as that.

Public Board

Make giving feedback effortless

Scale your customer insights by giving your users an easy way to share feedback.
Integrate FeatureCat's public board right into your app.

Vote & Shape

Empower users to prioritize.

The democratic approach to product development. Let users voice their needs directly to ensure your product's roadmap resonates with real-world demands. Let users guide your updates and collaboratively shape the product's future.

Flash Feedback

Your users' thoughts, one click away.

Making feedback submission a breeze for users. Capture, assess, and act on user insights.

Flex Integration

Embed or go standalone.

The public board fits your apps in all shapes and sizes - mobile, embedded on the web, or standalone.

Community Conversations

Moderated discussions on features.

Encourage users to jump into the discussion on the public board. With options for threaded conversations, likes, and admin replies, it's the perfect space to cultivate constructive and collaborative dialogues.

Your Board, Your Brand

Make it fit right in.

Bring your brand to life. Upload logos, personalize color themes, and set distinctive titles. Opt for adaptive themes or commit to your chosen vibe – light or dark.

Secure Sign-In

Genuine users, genuine feedback.

Seamless integration, reliable authentication. No need for separate accounts. Whether it's tokenized URLs, straightforward JWTs, or our adaptable Javascript SDK, FeatureCat authentication works with every setup.

curl  https://appity.featurecat.com/auth/board_session \
-H "Authorization: Bearer YOUR_TOKEN" \
-d board_mode="feedback" \
-d identifier="bddc7c60-40a2-43b1-9a45-889f7b82189c" \
-d name="Jane Doe" \
-d email="[email protected]" \
-d user_since="2023-04-04T19:47:34.516Z"

  object: "board_session",
  created: "2023-08-24T11:27:01.215Z",
  user_identifier: "bddc7c60-40a2-43b1-9a45-889f7b82189c",
  url: "https://appity.featurecat.com/auth/board_session/SESSION_TOKEN",

Feature Management

Plan the right features

Keep track of all feature requests and other artefacts, no matter where they are coming from.
Follow up on who requested what, when, and where.

User Insights

Empower Decisions with User Data.

Actionable feedback needs user context. Seamlessly incorporate user data, such as revenue, during the authentication process. Attach custom metadata to refine user group segmentation. You always remain in full control on the amount of data shared to preserve your users' privacy.


Linking User Problems to Product Solutions.

At the heart of FeatureCat is the distinction between Artefacts and Features. While Artefacts delve deep into the challenges and requirements, Features describe the fitting solutions. Transition from understanding user pain points to devising software solutions, all while ensuring alignment and traceability.

Centralized Dashboard

Product Development Simplified.

Product design and solutioning is at the heart of the Dashboard. Seamlessly manage and organize your product development with Features, laying out both proposed and in-progress developments.

Artefacts give a comprehensive view of all requirements and incoming user submissions, acting as a repository for everything from user suggestions to design inspirations. Meanwhile, Users offers a detailed overview of your audience, facilitating the tracking and management of their comments, votes, and overall engagement - ensuring you're always in sync with your user base's pulse.

Feature Status Tracker

From Idea to Completion.

Monitor and share the status of a feature, from its initial idea to final deployment.


Shipping & Sharing, Simplified.

Close the loop on the entire journey, from feedback to shipped features. Share updates, releases, or anything that's new with your user community.

Currently in Beta

Start collecting feedback today

Getting started is easy and only takes a couple of minutes. The Starter plan is free - no credit card required, no strings attached.